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SFA A Cappella Choir to perform new music written in response to pandemic

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – The A Cappella Choir at Stephen F. Austin State University will present a virtual concert entitled “Autumn Splendor and Solemn Ritual” when the ensemble performs at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18.

The choir will perform works by composers from Slovenia, Germany, Italy and Norway, along with new music written in response to the COVID pandemic, according to Dr. Michael Murphy, director of choral activities in the SFA School of Music.

“The choral works represented on this concert are inspired from festive and solemn rituals composed from the 18th century to just a couple of weeks ago,” Murphy said.

The choir will dedicate “In Remembrance” by American composer Jeffery Ames “to all those who have lost their lives to COVID-19,” Murphy said. Dr. Charles Gavin, professor of horn at SFA, will join the choir for the tribute.

American composer Dan Forrest asked the choir to premiere his newest composition, “fermata,” that speaks of those who had to suspend performing because of the pandemic. The word ‘fermata” is Italian in origin and means a pause of unspecified length on a note or rest.

Other works on the program include music and/or arrangements by Damijan Močnik, J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms, Ildebrando Pizzetti and more.

The concert will also feature graduate student conductors Greg Simmons of Tyler and David Zielke of Albany, Oregon. Dr. Ron Petti, professor and director of collaborative piano, will accompany.

Obtain free access to the online, live-streamed concert by visiting on the night of the performance. For more information about the School of Music, contact (936) 468-4602.