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SFA Gardens Lecture Series to feature horticulturist

SFA Gardens will host its monthly Les Reeves Garden Lecture Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, in the Stephen F. Austin State University Agriculture Building Room 110 on Wilson Drive. Dr. Brent Pemberton, ornamental plant researcher with the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton, will present "Trials and Travels 2009: Great Plants - Great Gardens."

Dr. Pemberton, a member of the SFA Gardens board of advisors, received a bachelor's degree in ornamental horticulture from Texas Tech University and a Ph.D. in floriculture from the University of Minnesota. His research specialties include bedding plant production, greenhouse and garden performance evaluations, field and nursery production of garden roses, plant growth regulators, and landscape water use.

A free plant raffle will be held following the lecture. There is no charge for the lecture, and reservations are not required.

The Les Reeves Garden Lecture Series is held the third Thursday of each month at the SFA Mast Arboretum.

For more information, contact Greg Grant at (936) 468-1863 or