With SFA joining The University of Texas System, attending SFA means more than gaining a whole new Lumberjack family — it means access to more resources than we’ve ever had before.
And the elevated prestige of system membership means your degree from SFA will be more recognizable and have more value because of its connection to one of the biggest university systems in the U.S.
With an extra $1 million of funding from the UT System, our Purple Promise program will cover the remaining balance of tuition and fees for more students than ever before.

Student Support

Membership in the UT System allows for (to name a few):
- micro-credentialing opportunities through the platform Coursera
- access to career outcomes data specific to our Lumberjack community through the platform Steppingblocks
- access to more academic and research databases that will include statistics, scholarly articles and online videos
- significantly cheaper student health insurance for domestic students
- access to more mental health and telehealth resources
- and access to drug and alcohol education modules.
Campus Improvement
A significant, $80 million investment from the UT System will provide newer, better, higher-tech classrooms across campus.
Improvements will be made progressively over the next several years and will include a new forestry, agriculture and interdisciplinary facility as well as investments in the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture and the Arnold Center for Entrepreneurship in the Nelson Rusche College of Business.