Where to Report Fraud or Ethics Concerns
If you are an employee, report fraud or ethics concerns to your department supervisor or director.
Additional reporting paths
- Department of Audit Services: Jane Ann Bridges
- Human Resources: John Wyatt
- Office of the General Counsel: Damon Derrick
- Office of Research and Graduate Studies: Jennifer Hanlon Patterson
- EthicsPoint: report online or call 866.294.9539
- Texas State Auditor's Office: 1.800.TX.AUDIT
EthicsPoint Reporting System
The university uses a third-party phone- and internet-based reporting system called EthicsPoint to provide a confidential reporting system for the community. This system allows employees, vendors and customers to report issues or concerns in a totally anonymous and confidential manner. EthicsPoint provides a follow-up and response mechanism while while ensuring reporter anonymity.
As a member of the SFA or vendor community, you may be in a position to observe not only questionable or unethical behavior by SFA employees but also to areas that need changes to avoid the appearance of unethical behavior. You may communicate your observations anonymously on the EthicsPoint website to file a report or voice a concern. Be assured that this is a fast, easy and completely confidential system, and SFA will appropriately investigate each report.
Advantages of using EthicsPoint to report fraud and ethics concerns include:
- It is a third-party provider.
- You can report anonymously.
- It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- You can submit a report in English or Spanish.
- You are able to follow up on your report.