SFA to share research on engaging students to ensure academic success | SFA Skip to main content

SFA to share research on engaging students to ensure academic success

NACOGDOCHES, Texas — As part of the new Stephen F. Austin State University President’s Innovation Fund, more than 20 SFA faculty and staff members will present their award-winning research at the Celebration of Innovation from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 20 and from noon to 2:30 p.m. April 21 in the Baker Pattillo Student Center Twilight Ballroom.
“The importance of grants like those awarded through the President’s Innovation Fund give faculty opportunities to engage in research initiatives, which in turn further improves the university’s standing as an academic institution,” said Dr. Freddie Avant, interim dean of the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.
The presentation topics range from a study-away cross-country bus trip to early detection and intervention of disengaged students.
The President’s Innovation Fund was launched last year to invest in initiatives that creatively fuel increased student enrollment, engagement and success. For the 2021-22 academic year, more than $100,000 in funding was awarded through a competitive proposal review by a selection committee.
The awards were funded for a year. They include two types of grants offered through SFA’s research and graduate studies — Innovation Seed Awards for small-scale recruitment or retention pilot projects and Innovation Implementation and Research Awards for large-scale student success projects that can be adopted at the university level.
The schedule for these presentations, which are open to the public, is available on the President’s Innovation Fund website.
Refreshments will be served. RSVP to grants@sfasu.edu by April 18 if attending in person or to obtain information to view via Zoom.