NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Graphic design illustration students at Stephen F. Austin State University recently gained practical experience developing a project for a real-world client while contributing to a humanitarian nonprofit cause. Students of Peter Andrew, SFA School of Art graphic design professor, completed a 6-by-12 mural of Lassie, the collie of the famed 1950s television series, and potential pet owners for the Kurth Memorial Animal Shelter in Lufkin. Amber Whitcomb, administrative assistant for Lufkin Animal Services, contacted the School of Art seeking a collaboration between the shelter and art students. The design was created through a series of sketches, text and phone communications, deliberations, discussions and other collaborations, according to Andrew. Pictured with the mural are, from left, Natalie Rodriguez, animal care assistant and veterinarian in training, Whitcomb and Andrew. For additional information, contact the School of Art at (936) 468-4804.