NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Top Master's in Healthcare Administration, an online resource for finding up-to-date and easy-to-understand information about receiving a degree related to health care management, has ranked Stephen F. Austin State University among the top 30 institutions in the nation for its bachelor's degree program in health science.
Top Master's in Healthcare Administration ranked eligible colleges and universities based on tracks offered, breadth of options, program popularity and cost of attendance.
With jobs in the health care industry rapidly on the rise, Dr. DawnElla Rust, SFA professor of health science and program coordinator, said earning a bachelor's degree in health science is a smart choice.
"When I arrived at SFA 20 years ago, the health science program had two tracks with only 60 majors and no minors. Today, we have more than 200 majors in one track and more than 80 minors with 145 percent growth in the last five years," Rust said. "SFA's health science program is among the top five undergraduate programs with the highest number of graduating seniors. This recognition provides evidence that faculty members are providing our students with meaningful experiences."
SFA's health science program offers a community health track, which provides students with health educator entry-level knowledge. Students are required to take courses in diverse content areas, such as epidemiology, social and emotional health, and substance abuse.
Faculty members also work with local agencies to provide students service-learning opportunities, such as working with the Boys and Girls Club, Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition, Greater East Texas Community Action Program Head Start and more.
Additionally, students are required to complete a 145-hour internship, which varies from local to national health organizations and agencies, such as MD Anderson Cancer Center, American Red Cross, Methodist Health System in Dallas, Hewlett Packard Health, Texas A&M Agri-Life and others.
For more information about SFA's health science program, contact Rust at drust@sfasu.edu or visit http://www.sfasu.edu/kinesiology/102.asp.