
20 Years
SFA employees honored for 20 years of service included, from left, Kreg Mosier, Steen Library; Beverly Denise Douglas, Disability Services; Gloria Hoefler-Johnson, Language, Cultures and Communication; Shana Scott, Geology; Louann Williams; Early Childhood Laboratory; Dora Fuselier, SFA Controller; Mark Holl, Physical Plant; and Robert Michael Judy, Education.
Also honored, but not pictured, were Dawn Stover, Agriculture; William Harris, College of Liberal and Applied Arts; Rebecca Crain, English and Creative Writing; and Tina Layton, Parking and Permits.

10 Years
Honorees recognized for 10 years of service included, front row, from left, Iris Nell Jones, Residence Life; Dixie Groll, College of Liberal and Applied Arts; Rosie Waters, Physical Plant; Walter de la Cruz, Social Work; Michael Paul Doggett, Residence Life; Lonnie Luna, Steen Library; Zeferina Gonzalez, Residence Life; Laura Turner, Disability Services; Sam Smith, Student Center; H. Rachele Garrett, Financial Aid; Alison Reed, Early Childhood Lab; Janet McLeroy, Admissions; Veronica Brishay Weaver, Multicultural Affairs; Jessica Barrett, Budget Office; Ines Esperanza Maxit, International Programs; Travis Killen, Information Technology Services; and Bill Cox, Admissions.
Pictured, back row from left: Judy Eddings and John Wyatt, Human Resources; William Croft, Information Technology Services; Ronald Smith, Student Affairs; and Allen Singleton, Physical Plant.
Also honored, but not shown, were Brittany Beck, Admissions; Kelley Consford, Campus Recreation; Sara Cole, Cathrine Dodge and Heather Stewart, Education; Ann Hall, Financial Aid, Aleta Spivey, Human Resources; Charlotte Sullivan, Office of the President; Richard Luna, Forestry; Amy Smith, Student Rights and Responsibilities; Joan Taylor, Center for Teaching and Learning; Patrick Brazeal and Donna Hammond, Residence Life; Jamie Bouldin, Student Affairs; Amy Maurer, Controller's Office; Sandra Menscer and Stephen Rasmussen, Telecommunications and Networking; and Jesse Raymond Bell, Jo Ann Fields, Erik Green, Santiago Orozco, Jonathan Ramey and Jody Russell, Physical Plant.

President's Achievement Award
Four SFA employees received the President's Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding achievement and excellent service. Pictured with SFA President Baker Pattillo, center, are Wayne Weatherford, Agriculture; Anne Uhyrek, Controller's Office; Ann Foster, Procurement; and Diane Stepp, Registrar's Office. Employees are nominated by their colleagues to receive the award.

Staff members retiring from SFA also were honored for their service to the university. Pictured, from left, are George Ellis, University Police Department; Valerie Griffith, Budget Office; Billie Baggett and Glenda Herrington, Human Resources; Kathryn Scott, Nursing; Belinda Vanglahn, College of Education Assessment and Accountability; Lori Jill Hines, SFA Charter School; Lagena Carver, Graduate Studies; Rusti Allen, Pineywoods AHEC; and Don Frazier, Student Center Administration.
Also retiring are Diana Boubel, Procurement; Lynn Clark, Biology; Nelda Frederick, Human Sciences; James Ellis Kendall and Evelyn Pierce, Library; Stephen McGee, Information Technology Services; Rosemary Juarez, Nursing; Carrie Brown, Research and Sponsored Programs; Gary Steve Cobb, Residence Life Operations; Mark Overton, UPD; and Loyce Baxter, David "Mo" Mohundro, Everett Allen Ross Jr., Anthony Wade and Bobby Westmoreland, Physical Plant.