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SFA College of Fine Arts Dean’s Circle hosts successful fundraiser

Nacogdoches Mayor Shelley Brophy, Kim Crisp, Ian Gibson and Ron Johnson

Nacogdoches Mayor Shelley Brophy recognized Winners’ Circle event sponsors at the recent reception and fundraiser, including Kim Crisp, owner of The Old Tobacco Warehouse where the event was held; Ian Gibson, business development manager at Nacogdoches Medical Center; and Ron Johnson, CBH Insurance Agency, Inc.

NACOGDOCHES, Texas – Members of the Stephen F. Austin State University College of Fine Arts Dean’s Circle recently recognized its 2017 award recipients at the annual “Fall Festival of SFA Artists” and Winners’ Circle reception held in The Old Tobacco Warehouse in downtown Nacogdoches.

A highlight of the evening included special recognition and the reading of a city proclamation honoring former Nacogdoches Mayor Dr. Roger Van Horn and his contributions to the City of Nacogdoches, SFA, the College of Fine Arts and the Dean’s Circle. Mayor Shelley Brophy made the presentation.

“Mayor Van Horn has been with the Dean’s Circle right from our beginning in 2009.  At every event, he helped convey the message of how important mutual support is between the community and the university by introducing each event’s sponsors,” said Dr. A.C. “Buddy” Himes, dean of the College of Fine Arts. “We were pleased and honored that so many people came to our event to show their appreciation for his many contributions to our community, and to support the College of Fine Arts.”

The “Fall Festival of SFA Artists” also recognized the 2017 Dean’s Awards recipients, each of whom presented some of their artistic work during the event. The students included Sarah Jentsch, recipient of the Cole Dean’s Award in Art; Tyler Thormählen, recipient of the Ledbetter Dean’s Award in Music; Arjang Abrarpour, recipient of the Sidnell Memorial Dean’s Award in Music Education; and Margaret “Maggie” Strain, recipient of the Schmidbauer Dean’s Award in Theatre.

Through the Winners’ Circle events, the Dean’s Circle has completed the college’s first professorship and is now working on a second endowment.

“This year’s event moves us one step closer to the next milestone in fulfilling our mission,” Himes said. “We greatly appreciate our membership and event sponsors. Their financial support makes possible these awards, which allow recipients to further their creative pursuits and aspire to a higher level of excellence.”

Sponsors included Cal-Tex Lumber Company, Nacogdoches Medical Center, First Bank & Trust East Texas, The Daily Sentinel, Regions Bank, Nacogdoches Film Festival, Meadow Ridge Archery and Gun and CBH Insurance Agency, Inc.

For more information about the Dean’s Circle or to become a member, contact Himes at (936) 468-2801 or at