NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art and the Friends of the Visual Arts will present a free, one-night screening of "Without Bound: Perspectives on Mobile Living" at 7 p.m. Friday, March 3, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches.
"Without Bound" is a documentary by SFA's own Michael Tubbs, media specialist for the College of Fine Arts, and SFA alumnus Aaron Harlan, about those who choose to ditch their permanent homes and opt for a mobile lifestyle, living out of recreational vehicles or vans. The film focuses on the personal philosophies of the individuals who choose this form of nomadic lifestyle.
"I held the view, probably shared by most Americans, that home ownership was both a noble and worthy aspiration, providing stability, safety, comfort and even a sense of identity," Tubbs said. "I wondered how anyone could feel secure, comfortable or fulfilled living out of a van or a camper. The more I learned, the more my attitude shifted from 'why' to 'why not?'"
Tubbs is a multimedia artist who merges traditional art materials and techniques with digital processes. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in ceramics and a Master of Fine Arts in digital media from SFA. Tubbs has taught graphic design and digital media courses in the School of Art and advanced advertising courses in the Department of Mass Communication at SFA. His areas of specialization include vector graphics, videography and motion graphics. Prior to joining the College of Fine Arts dean's staff, he was gallery preparator for the SFA Galleries.
Harlan is a 3D artist, researcher, human factors engineer and creative director at FoVI3D, a light-field display company in Austin. As creative director, he is responsible for the majority of content creation at FoVI3D, including branding, web design, video, print, 3D content generation for holographic imaging and dynamic light-field projection. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Fine Arts in design from SFA.
This screening is part of the School of Art's monthly Friday Film Series and is sponsored in part by William Arscott, Nacogdoches Film Festival, Karon Gillespie, Mike Mollot, David Kulhavy, Brad Maule, John and Kristen Heath, Galleria Z, Jill Carrington, Jean Stephens, Jim and Mary Neal, Richard Orton, Main Street Nacogdoches and Nacogdoches Junior Forum.
The Cole Art Center is located at 329 E. Main St. For more information, call (936) 468-1131.