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SFA's Nelson Rusche College of Business ribbon-cutting ceremony scheduled for Jan. 25

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University's Nelson Rusche College of Business will celebrate its renovated facility with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 25, on the first floor of the R.E. McGee Building on the SFA campus.

The ceremony will recognize the new Mattress Firm Commons, the Marleta Chadwick Student Financial Advisors and the Mark T. Layton Lobby.

The event is open to the public. Dr. Tim Bisping, dean of the Nelson Rusche College of Business, said the ceremony will allow the college to formally thank and recognize several key people who played a vital role in helping advance the college's mission.

"The renovations to our building and programs we have initiated were purposefully designed to advance our Learn, Launch, Lead strategic focus," Bisping said. "The Mattress Firm Commons, Marleta Chadwick Student Financial Advisors and the Mark T. Layton Lobby are all essential tools, which will aid us in helping our students excel in their chosen fields."

The college began its multilevel renovations in summer 2015. Dr. Trey Turner, executive director of development at SFA, said the renovations will provide new areas within the building that facilitate team building and collaboration with other students and faculty members, as well as enhance the overall business-like climate appropriate for a college preparing future business leaders.

The first floor of the McGee Building was transformed to a more business-oriented, professional environment with the addition of updated wall coverings, ceilings, lighting and flooring. The entrance to the dean's office, east lobby and common area also received a face-lift.

"The renovations offer new experiential learning opportunities, allowing students to gain hands-on experiences in their academic disciplines," Bisping said. "Students in the Nelson Rusche College of Business will now have additional opportunities to hone their skills and experiences while becoming more accustomed to the professional environment within which they will soon be working."

On the second floor, various rooms were made more visible and lobby areas were improved. Renovations are still in the works for the third and fourth floor with plans to replace several suites with open-gathering areas.

"A large portion of the renovations was made possible by the generous donations of alumni and friends of SFA. Their contributions played a pivotal role in the launch of this initiative and were key in its completion," Turner said. "This renovation is another example of the impact generous donors' support has in building excellence and prestige in our educational offerings, and our university as a whole."