Kaitlyn Piscadlo, marketing manager at Cotton Incorporated, visited Stephen F. Austin State University Thursday, Sept. 8, to discuss the company’s Blue Jeans Go Green project, which is a recycle program encouraging people to donate denim to be “upcycled” into UltraTouch denim insulation. This is the third year SFA has partnered with Cotton Incorporated to collect denim. Jamie Cupit, fashion merchandising instructor in SFA’s School of Human Sciences, is helping coordinate the project on campus along with students in her fashion promotion course. During her presentation, Piscadlo reviewed the company’s goals and mission and discussed ways the company can help students during the denim drive. SFA students hope to collect more than 10,000 pieces of denim this fall. Students will have a table set up for donations from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 20 and Oct. 4 outside the Baker Pattillo Student Center on the SFA campus.