NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Android and iPhone users can now utilize Stephen F. Austin State University's updated app. The free app can be accessed from SFA's website at http://www.sfasu.edu/app.asp or directly through the phone's app store.
"Technology changes so rapidly," said Jason Johnstone, university webmaster. "The previous app launched a few years ago and offered basic features. The updated version provides more functions that the students, faculty and staff will find useful."
One of the features SFA newcomers will find beneficial is a campus map. Users can select a campus location and view detailed information, including street names, that will help expedite campus travel. The new map feature is aligned with an updated version of the faculty and staff directory, allowing users to search for employees by first or last name and then contact them by phone or email just by touching the screen. The directory feature also displays on the campus map where the employee's office is located.
Current SFA students will find several features of interest, including "Tutoring" where students can access comprehensive information concerning the Academic Assistance and Resource Center's tutoring schedule; "Courses," which provides links to Desire2Learn, SFA's learning management system, and mySFA, the university's intranet portal; and "Library" where students can search for books and other research material directly from their smartphones.
Prospective students can access the "Become a Student" feature and view campus tour dates and times, academic opportunities, information on campus living and residence life, and even apply for SFA admission.
For users who are sports enthusiasts, the app provides SFA athletic scores and player rosters. "If you're at a Lumberjack football game and want to know more information about player number 81, you can access it immediately from the app," Johnstone said.
Additional features include a university events calendar, the latest SFA news stories, access to the campus alert system and a link to SFA traditions. There is also direct access to KSAU, SFA's radio station, where users can listen in live.
"Not all faculty, staff and students carry a laptop or iPad, but most never leave home without their smartphone," Johnstone said. "This updated app provides a way for the SFA community to obtain important information about the university almost instantly and stay connected."