NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - The 29th Watercolor East Texas Juried Exhibition and this year's Nacogdoches Photographic Association Show will open with a combined reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 27, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House in downtown Nacogdoches.
This year's jurors include the Rev. Howard Castleberry, a former Houston Post photographer and a Pulitzer Prize nominee, who will juror the NPA show, and Nel Dorn Byrd, award-winning watercolor artist, who will serve as juror for the WET exhibition. Both shows will run through Aug. 24.
Watercolor East Texas is an organization of local East Texas artists who work in watercolor and other water media. WET was founded April 18, 1983, by Reese Kennedy, who was an art professor at Stephen F. Austin State University, and other artists such as Mary Hooper, Peggy Fare and Lucille Kennedy.
"The purpose of the organization is to stimulate the members' knowledge and enjoyment of art and to expand the public's appreciation of water-media painting," according to member Sarah Wallace. The first annual juried show was held in 1984.
Entries for this year's show will be accepted from 2 to 4 p.m. July 21 and from 4 to 8 p.m. July 23 at Cole Art Center. Paintings must be hand-delivered.
"All artists are welcome to enter the show, as long as their paintings are in a water medium and meet the matting and framing requirements," Wallace said.
Paintings may be priced for sale. Awards ranging from $50 to $250 will be presented for first, second and third place and honorable mention. Gallery, memorial and merchandise awards will also be presented. Entry information can be found at www.watercoloreasttexas.com/index.htm.
The Nacogdoches Photographic Association is an organization of photographers ranging from novices to professionals, according to R.G. Dean, NPA member.
"The primary emphasis of the club is on learning and sharing photographic skills," Dean said in an email interview. "We seek to function as a public service organization and frequently have photo exhibits and participate in special projects involving photography.
"Every year since NPA was organized in September 1992, it has had a juried gallery show in one of the SFA art galleries," he said. "In most years, there is a theme chosen for the show. The theme for 2013 is 'It Caught My Eye.'"
The show is a member's-only show. There were 152 images entered in 2013, and the juror selected 68 images for the show and awarded first, second and third places, along with a Best of Show award and honorable mention.
NPA meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month in the upstairs gallery of The Cole Art Center, and visitors are welcome, Dean said.
For more information about NAP, contact Dean at dean@sfasu.edu.
The Cole Art Center is located at 329 E. Main St. For more information, call (936) 468-1131.