NACOGDOCHES - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Music and Cole Performing Arts Series will present the Trombone Choir in concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 4, in Cole Concert Hall on the SFA campus.
The choir, directed by Dr. Deb Scott, associate professor of trombone, will perform a variety of music.
The ensemble will be divided into two parts to perform "Ecce veniet dies illa" by Giovanni Palestrina. Scott described it as "a beautiful sacred piece from the 16th century."
The 20th century "Isorhythmic Toccata" - an exciting rhythmically driven piece by John Prescott - will feature three SFA percussion students, including Nick Kelley, Lufkin senior; Sammy Hernandez, Athens senior; and Aaron McCommas, Kingwood freshman.
Other popular classical works to be performed are "Procession of the Nobles" by Rimsky-Korsakov, arranged by Craig Kaucher, and "Vienna Philharmonic Fanfare" by Richard Strauss, arranged by SFA bass trombone student Michael Swann, a senior from Plano.
Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $3 for students. For tickets or more information, please visit www.finearts.sfasu.edu or call the SFA Fine Arts Box Office at (936) 468-6407 or (888) 240-ARTS.