Nacogdoches, Texas - "Greg Grant is as much a horticultural wonder as the plants he discovers and writes about," asserts Chris S. Corby in his introduction to Grant's new book, "In Greg's Garden: A Pineywoods Perspective on Gardening, Nature and Family."
An intimate and personal exploration of the life of one of Texas' most beloved gardeners, the SFA Gardens research associate's book gathers in a single volume the first 10 years of his columns from Texas Gardener magazine, all accompanied by his vivid photography.
Revised and updated from their original publication, these 60 essays reveal the heart and soul of a seventh-generation native Texan who has devoted his entire life to gardening, nature and family. With degrees in floriculture and horticulture from Texas A&M University and extensive hands-on experience as a horticulturist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Stephen F. Austin State University, Mercer Arboretum and San Antonio Botanical Gardens, Grant has successfully introduced dozens of plants to the Texas nursery industry, all while maintaining long-held family property and renovating the homes of his ancestors in Arcadia, Texas.
Grant's successful plant introductions include: Blue Princess verbena, dwarf pink Mexican petunia, Gold Star esperanza, Laura Bush and VIP petunias, John Fanick phlox, Stars and Stripes pentas, Pam's Pink honeysuckle, Lecompte vitex, Henry and Augusta Duelberg sages, Big Momma and Pam Puryear Turk's Cap, Peppermint Flare Hibiscus, and the Marie Daly and Nacogdoches (Grandma's Yellow) roses.
Author or co-author of four previous gardening books, Grant is a columnist for Texas Gardener magazine, regularly contributes to Neil Sperry's Gardens magazine, writes a monthly gardening blog for Arbor Gate Nursery (arborgate.com) and has been published in Country Living Gardener and Southern Living. He received the Superior Service Award presented by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and the Lynn Lowrey Memorial Award presented by the Native Plant Society of Texas for horticultural achievement in the field of Texas native plants. A previous book, "Heirloom Gardening in the South," was a Garden Writers Association 2012 Silver Award recipient.
"In Greg's Garden: A Pineywoods Perspective on Gardening, Nature and Family" is available from TG Press for $29.50 plus shipping and handling. Copies may be ordered online at www.TexasGardener.com or by calling (254) 848-9393.
A previous edition of the book containing only the first nine years of Grant's column and no photography, is available for Kindle from Amazon.com.
To read "In Greg's Garden" in each issue of Texas Gardener, subscribe at www.TexasGardener.com.