NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - The Stephen F. Austin State University College of Fine Arts and School of Music will present pianist Dr. Sergio H. Ruiz in concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 28, in Cole Concert Hall.
Ruiz, who is director of keyboard studies at Sam Houston State University, has performed before audiences throughout the world. His professional training includes studies at Rice University, The Cleveland Institute of Music and Santa Clara University.
His performances on Spanish-speaking radio broadcasts have aired throughout South and Central America, and he has collaborated with members of the Houston Symphony, New World Symphony and the Cleveland Orchestra.
As an adjudicator and clinician, Ruiz has judged piano competitions and festivals in Texas and California and has given concerts and master classes at the Franz Liszt Conservatory in Quito, Ecuador. He was invited back to judge the First Annual National Piano competition in Ecuador. He has also served as an examiner for the International Piano Performance Examinations Committee in Taiwan.
His performance is part of the SFA School of Music's Cole Performing Arts Series. Tickets are $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and $2 for students. For tickets or more information, call the Fine Arts Box Office at (936) 468-6407.