Doris and Jack Ledbetter, seated, recently hosted a fund-raiser in their home that brought in over $9,000 in scholarship funds for Stephen F. Austin State University piano students. Pictured with the Ledbetters are Linda and Dr. Andrew Parr, two of the SFA piano faculty performers. Other faculty performers were Dr. Mario Ajero, Mary Cooper, James Faucett, Dr. Gene Moon, Dr. Ron Petti and Dr. James Pitts. Student performers were Daniel Cahill, Chang Ji-Hyun and Hyera Kim. Members of the SFA Friends of Music committee that helped plan the event were co-chairs Mary Neal Grimland and Lynn Teague, Elaine Burgess Ashcroft, Barbara Gandy, Connie Lester, Nanny Smith, Jackie Warthan, Shirley Watterston and Carol Willis. Anyone who would still like to donate to the piano scholarship fund can contact the SFA School of Music at (936) 468-4602.