Interview Checklist
Adapted from the American Century Project:
At this point you should have identified your interviewee, made phone contact to explain the project and determined where and when the interview will take place. You have also completed a thorough research paper and established fifteen preliminary questions.
- Check equiptment (batteries, tape recorder, microphone)
- Test your equiptment
- List of interview questions
- Interview release form
- Notebook and pen to take notes during the interview
When you are ready to begin:
- Explain what will happen in the interview
(Begin slowly, by getting the background of your interview and to create a comfort between you and your subject). - Make introductory statement on tape recorder.
(Include: date and time, person you are interviewing, who they are, place of interview, and who you are). - Conduct interview.
- Have interviewee sign release form.
- send tank you note immediately following the interview.