Find your community in one of SFA’s more than 200 student organizations! #JacksGetInvolved 

Our Involvement Center on the third floor of the Baker Pattillo Student Center in Suite 3.102 is here to connect you with student organizations and other engagement opportunities to help you make friends, have fun and gain valuable skills outside the classroom. It’s easy to get started! Simply email to schedule a meeting with one of our involvement experts. They will take the time to get to know you and help match you with involvement opportunities that fit your interests, hobbies, talents and field of study—you may even decide to try something completely new! You can check out all our registered organizations on The Handle, or gather a few other like-minded students and start your own SFA club. 

Virtual Advising 

Are you a remote student or otherwise have trouble fitting a face-to-face meeting into your schedule? No worries—students are welcome to access our online involvement advising services. Call (936) 468-3703 or email to set up a virtual appointment via Zoom.  

Involvement Fairs 

One of the best ways to get involved at SFA is to visit an involvement fair. The Office of Student Engagement hosts involvement fairs on the second Thursday of each fall and spring semester. Members of our student organizations set up display tables, talk to visitors about their clubs and activities, sign up new members, and pass out swag. 

Promote Your Organization 

Student organizations, SFA departments and community partners are invited to promote their upcoming activities through the Involvement Center. We will gladly display flyers, brochures and publications in our office. Contact us for more details! 

SFAS 1101 Presentations 

Faculty members wishing to help their SFAS 1101 students navigate the more than 200 on-campus organizations are encouraged to schedule an advising presentation during one of their class meeting times. One of our knowledgeable presenters will share information about SFA’s unique involvement advising process and answer students’ questions about getting involved on campus. Call (936) 468-3703 or email to schedule a presentation.