Student Activities Assocation—Entertaining SFA since 1923!

SFA’s Student Activities Association strives to provide an educational and recreational experience outside the classroom through programs that culturally enlighten, intellectually stimulate and entertain the university community.

Cinema on campus

You don’t have to leave campus to catch a weekend movie. Our Student Activities Association (SAA) Cinema, located in the Baker Pattillo Student Center, presents great movies! 

View the SAA Cinema webpage

Our Core Values

Trust - Not only must we trust each other but the student body must trust us to provide them with excellent programming, while maintaining the proper use of their money.
Leadership - We value leadership in all areas. The continued development of leadership within our organization will allow us to better lead the campus.
Truth - We value ethical decisions and behavior, above all honesty. We must be honest with ourselves and the student body.
Courage - We must possess the courage to try new things and fight for the rights of students.
Pride - We are full of pride—pride in our university and pride in our organization. We value and respect the history of the university and our organization.
Creativity - We value creativity and innovation. It is important that we continually introduce new ideas. This will foster growth and continued improvement.

Amanda West

Membership Requirements

  • Maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • Work one office hour a week and a pre-set number of events each month. (Set your own schedule!)
  • Attend weekly meetings. (6 p.m. each Thursday)
  • Propose one event of your choice each semester.

Read more about SAA membership in our constitution and by-laws