Forms and Documents

Close-up of a 3D printer creating a small statue of Stephen F. Austin


Instructions for fillable PDF forms:

Fillable PDF forms are not supported in all web browsers, and installation of a separate PDF reader (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader) may be required. Once a PDF reader is installed, download the document and save it to your computer for best compatibility.

  1. Right-click the form link.
  2. Choose "save link as..." or "save target as..."
  3. Select "save as type" and choose "Adobe Acrobat Document."
  4. Once the document is saved, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Graduate Studies and Admissions



A graduate assistantship is a new employment position and requires all new employee steps, including a graduate assistantship offer letter of acceptance.

Upon offering the graduate assistantship, the department making the appointment must have the student sign the graduate assistantship offer (acceptance/denial) letter. The letter may be submitted to the student in person, by mail, fax or e-mail. An Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) should then be initiated by the department upon receiving the signed graduate assistantship offer letter of acceptance from the student.


  • Marilyn Odom Outstanding Graduate Student Award
    • nominator form
      Nominations may be made by any SFA graduate faculty member. The nominating faculty member completes this form with the help of the nominee.
    • nominee form
      Award nominees complete this form and have it submitted with the nominator form.
  • William R. Johnson Outstanding Thesis Award nomination form
    The thesis director completes this form and submits it with a copy of the thesis.

Graduate Faculty Membership

Graduate Student Travel Support

Research Grants and Sponsored Programs

Additional documents are available on the SFA business forms page.


Other Helpful Documents, Forms and Links