Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA to host GIS and GPS user group meeting

January 23, 2018
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University's Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture will host an East Texas GIS and GPS user group meeting beginning at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 2, in Room 117 of the Forestry Building.

Speakers will address a wide range of geospatial applications and advancements, including GIS field apps used by the City of Nacogdoches and the use of drones in natural resources education at SFA. The event is free and open to the public. Surdex, a corporation that is among the largest digital orthophotography, GIS mapping and geospatial service providers in North America, will sponsor lunch, and a Surdex representative will present an update of East Texas aerial photography acquisition.

The purpose of the East Texas GIS and GPS user group is to bring together users at any level in public, private and educational sectors who are interested in geospatial technology. For more information, contact Dr. I-Kuai Hung at or (936) 468-2464

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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