Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA students attend international plant conference

December 5, 2011
Pictured with Dr. David Creech are, from left, SFA students Eric Golestan, Casey Thomas, Kyle Giannette and Felicia English.
Four Stephen F. Austin State University students attended the Southern Region conference of the International Plant Propagators Society held recently in Valdosta, Ga. Dr. David Creech, SFA Professor Emeritus of agriculture and director of SFA's Mast Arboretum and Ruby Mize Azalea Garden, delivered a presentation titled "Selection and Production of Mexican Oaks for Southern USA landscapes." The conference, attended by more than 200 participants from university academics and nurserymen and landscapers of the South, included tours to nurseries and garden centers in the southern Georgia and northern Florida area, an awards banquet, and a plant auction. Pictured with Creech at the University of Georgia Woody Ornamentals Research Station are, from left, SFA students Eric Golestan of Southlake, Casey Thomas of Tatum, Kyle Giannette of Spring and Felicia English of Kennard.

By Shirley Luna
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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