Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA art students recognized

May 6, 2011
The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art recently recognized winners of the Art Alliance's 2011 Spring Show, recipients of the 2011-12 art scholarships and other annual art awards. Pictured, from left, are Eneida Marie Santiago, Tanna Burchinal, Lauren Macharoni, Kelly Heasty, Jeremiah Kelly, Emilie Gaultier, Joy Fuller, Emily Yeats, Heather Wobbe, Brooke Kocian, Megan Marcantel, Le'Anne Alexander, Michael Blome, Emily Graves, Tyler Mitchan, Levi Smith, Joseph Alford, Daniel Baugh and Isaac Farley.
NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - The Stephen F. Austin State University School of Art recognized the 2011-2012 art scholarship recipients and the winners of the "28th Annual Art Alliance Spring Show" during the exhibition's recent opening.

"TEXAS NATIONAL 2011" juror James Drake selected 40 works from the more than 130 entries to the exhibition and also chose the show's three winners and three Honorable Mentions. Cash prizes ranged from $75 to $300.

First Place was awarded to Kinder, La., graduate student Megan Marcantel for "Festivals Acadiens et Creoles - Lafayette, Louisiana." Katy graduate student Elizabeth Roberts received Second Place for "What's Black and White and Read All Over," and Nacogdoches graduate student Joseph Alford received Third Place for "Raider Trail (September 2010)."

Honorable Mentions were given to Lufkin graduate student Le'Anne Alexander for "Pansy Thielaviopsis" and "Reverse Pansy Thielaviopsis"; Nacogdoches senior Mandy Clay for "Slaughter the Shotgun Wedding Slayer"; and Nacogdoches senior Emilie Gaultier for "Choice."

Neal Cox, assistant professor of art and chair of the School of Art Scholarship Committee, announced the 16 recipients of the 2011-2012 art scholarships.

Daniel Baugh won the Stephen Weeks Art Scholarship; Joy Fuller, the Karl Schlicher Award for the Outstanding Graduate in Art, 2010-11; Emily Graves, the Brian LaBarbera Memorial Art Scholarship; Kelly Heasty, the Ed and Gwen Cole Dean's Award in Art; and Jeremiah Kelly, the Elsie Arscott Art Scholarship.

Other recipients are Brooke Kocian, the Simpson-Miller Art Scholarship; Eneida Marie Santiago, the John and Doris Daniel Art Scholarship; Heather Wobbe, the Melba Cranford Art Scholarship; and Emily Yeats, the Fouts Art Scholarship.

Baugh, Tanna Burchinal, Michael Blome, Isaac Farley, Emily Gaultier, Kelly and Levi Smith each received an Ed and Gwen Cole Scholarship. The Patricia Mast Scholarship was awarded to Baugh, Gaultier, Graves, Kocian, Lauren Macharoni, Tyler Mitchan, Santiago, Wobbe and Yeats

By Sylvia Bierschenk
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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