Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA faculty member wins award of merit

November 4, 2010

Dr. Marsha L. Bayless, a Stephen F. Austin State professor in the Nelson Rusche College of Business, was awarded the Francis W. Weeks Award of Merit at the international meeting of the Association for Business Communication held recently in Chicago.

Bayless teaches in SFA's Department of General Business and served as president of ABC during the 2005-2006 year. This year, she was the project director of the association's 75th Diamond Anniversary Keepsake, a publication with more than 100 pages and 215 photographs and documents highlighting its events, historical records and publications. The book was distribution at the group's 2010 annual meeting.

The award of merit is given on a periodic basis to recognize contributions to the business communication profession. It also recognizes outstanding advancement in the discipline of business communication through a singular accomplishment or series of accomplishments. A candidate for the award must be selected by a nominations committee and approved by the association's board of directors.

By Shirley Luna
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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