Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA history honor society receives award

November 2, 2010

The Stephen F. Austin State University chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society, received the 2010 Best Chapter Award in Division IV.

"I was thrilled beyond words that our chapter was selected," said Dana Cooper, assistant professor of history and Phi Alpha Theta sponsor. "I was very happy that the students' efforts were recognized."

Cooper said the officers decided to compete for the award a year in advance, which gave them adequate time to talk with other winning schools from the past and do everything they could do to put together the best year possible.

"They were a tremendous group with whom to work," Cooper said. "Again, I want to credit the students with their work, drive and focus for the entire year to make this possible."

This is the first award of its kind for the SFA Phi Alpha Theta honor society. The chapter will be awarded a maximum of $250 toward the purchase of books selected by the chapter and department. Currently there are approximately 40 Phi Alpha Theta members at SFA.

By Haley Sailers
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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