Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA Computer Science to host summer camps

April 23, 2010
Pictured are, front row from left to right: Megan Hutchison, Tara Smith, Piper Adkins, Taylor McGrath, and Elaine Garner. Second row: Miranda Adkins, Ashland Untiedt, Laura Dunn, Meadow Adkins, Hannah Ma, Kayela Davis, and Gabby Guidry. Back row: Dr. Debbie Dunn, camp director, and Dr. Robert Strader, associate director.
Local Girl Scouts participated in a mini-robotics camp sponsored by the SFA Department of Computer Science during spring break. The camp was a pilot study for camps that will be offered by the department during June and July. Pictured are, front row from left to right: Megan Hutchison, Tara Smith, Piper Adkins, Taylor McGrath, and Elaine Garner. Second row: Miranda Adkins, Ashland Untiedt, Laura Dunn, Meadow Adkins, Hannah Ma, Kayela Davis, and Gabby Guidry. Back row: Dr. Debbie Dunn, camp director, and Dr. Robert Strader, associate director. Information regarding summer camps can be found at contact Debbie Dunn at 468-2503.

By Public Affairs
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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