Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA award to honor cultural achievement

April 20, 2010

Stephen F. Austin State University this week established a Lifetime Cultural Achievement Award to honor featured guests in the new Archie McDonald Speaker Series.

"The award will honor persons of significance in American culture, who will be invited here to present a lecture, talk or public conversation about their roles in the development of American culture and the impact of American culture on their lives," said Dr. Richard Berry, provost and vice president for academic affairs.

The first recipient of the cultural achievement award, which was approved by the Board of Regents Tuesday, will be former heavyweight champion boxer and iconic businessman George Foreman.

"A Conversation with George Foreman: Reflections on My America" is the first event in the speaker series named for longtime SFA history professor Dr. Archie McDonald. It will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 29, in the Grand Ballroom of the Baker Pattillo Student Center at SFA. Ticket information is available at

At its quarterly meeting Tuesday, the SFA Board of Regents also approved:

-the fiscal year 2010 summer budget of $5.73 million,
-small-size classes for the spring semester,
-curriculum changes for the 2010-11 academic year,
-the purchase of property located at 310 and 312 E. Starr Ave.
-a three-year mineral lease contract with EOG Resources for 1.87 acres in the J.A. Chireno Survey,
-a construction budget for the Juanita Curry Boynton House of $765,000,
-continuing coverage under the Statewide Property Insurance program through the State Office of Risk Management through April 2011.
-negotiating a new five-year contract with Suddenlink for television programming services,
-an addendum to the university's contract with Barnes & Noble Booksellers to implement a textbook rental program for SFA students, and
-fiscal year 2010 grant awards totaling $2.95 million.

By Amy Roquemore
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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