SFA, GCC sign articulation agreement
August 21, 2008

DENISON, Texas -- Grayson County College students wishing to pursue a bachelor's degree and teacher certification at Stephen F. Austin State University now can enjoy a seamless transition between the two institutions.
Officials at GCC and SFA recently signed a formal articulation agreement designed to make it easier for students who have earned an Associate of Arts degree in teaching from GCC to transfer courses to SFA and complete a Bachelor of Science degree in interdisciplinary studies. These students may earn either the EC-6 or one of many 4-8 teacher certifications without the loss of credit hours.
"This partnership with Stephen F. Austin will open doors for many students in our area and allow them to continue their education and reach their career goals," said GCC President Dr. Alan Scheibmeir. "We look forward to identifying many more programs and services in which Grayson County College can work with our new university partner, SFA."