Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA to open annual faculty art exhibition

September 3, 2008
"Transportable Dialogue," a brass and steel sculpture by Lauren McAdams, SFA assistant professor of art, is one of the pieces included in the "SFA Faculty Exhibition" which will open with a 6 p.m. reception Friday, Sept. 12, at The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House, 329 E. Main St. in downtown Nacogdoches.

NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - Recent works of art in a variety of media will be displayed in the "SFA Faculty Exhibition" which the Stephen F. Austin State University College of Fine Arts and School of Art will open at 6 p.m., Friday, Sept. 12, in The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House, 329 E. Main St. in downtown Nacogdoches.

The always-popular annual exhibition includes works by the SFA studio art faculty, instructors and adjunct faculty, explained Christian Cutler, SFA director of galleries. "The show also enables us to introduce East Texans to the art of SFA's newest faculty assistant professors, Neal Cox (digital media) and Lauren McAdams (jewelry and metalwork)."

Cox earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts in printmaking from Brigham Young University and his Master of Fine Arts in printmaking from the University of Texas at San Antonio where he later taught printmaking, drawing and book arts and was the master printer for the UTSA Collaborative Editions program. He has taught drawing and printmaking at the Majestic Ranch Arts Foundation in Boerne and printmaking at the Santa Reparta International School of Art in Florence, Italy.

His work has been exhibited in California, Idaho, Indiana, Texas, Utah and Florence, Italy. Recently, he has designed and built a series of pinhole cameras. Photographs he has taken with these cameras will be included in the faculty exhibition.

McAdams received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in metals from Murray Sate University in Kentucky and her Master of Fine Arts in metalworking from Arizona State University. Her art has been included in national juried exhibitions in Mesa, Tempe and Tuscon, Ariz.; Memphis, Tenn.; St. Louis, Mo., and Little Rock, Ark. In her current artwork, she uses vintage communication tools as symbols to explore how humans are connected and to examine the impact interaction, distance and isolation have on romantic relationships.

Also included in the exhibition are recent works by John Daniel, professor emeritus; regents professor Charlie Jones; professors Peter Andrew, Piero Fenci, Gary Frields, Robert Kinsell; assistant professors Chad Erpelding, Maki Hajikano, Michelle Rozic and Christopher Talbot; instructor Gary Parker; adjunct faculty Corinne Jones, Ron King; Aloma Marquis and Scott Runnels; and Cutler.

The reception, which is free and open to the public, begins at 6 p.m. Dr. Scott Robinson, newly-appointed director of the School of Art, will introduce the artists at 7 p.m. The exhibition is sponsored in part by Nacogdoches Junior Forum, the SFA Friends of the Visual Arts and Sherwin Williams of Nacogdoches.

The exhibition continues through Sunday, Nov. 9. Regular gallery hours are 12:30 to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday. For more information, please call (936) 468-1131.

By Sylvia Bierschenk
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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