Stephen F. Austin State University

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Local artists' work available through 'Hooked on Art' scholarship fund-raiser

October 28, 2008

NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS - The SFA Friends of Visual Arts will unveil 24 glass ornaments bearing original works of art by local artists during the opening of a scholarship fund-raiser, "Hooked on Art," from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 8, at The Cole Art Center @ The Old Opera House.

"The opening is being held in conjunction with the Downtown Art Walk," explained Marty Prince, president of the friends organization. "But the fund-raiser actually lasts through Saturday, Dec. 6."

During the four-week period, the ornaments will be divided into two categories. Those which will be sold through silent auction will be displayed at downtown business locations where bids can be made until the closing date. Those that are to be raffled will remain at The Cole Art Center where raffle tickets can be purchased.

On Saturday, Dec. 6--the same date as the Nine Flags Festival and the lighted parade--all of the ornaments will return to the art center where final bids can be made.

During the 4 to 6 p.m. closing reception the winners of the silent auction will be announced and the winning raffle tickets will be drawn.

"We are excited about this unique fund-raiser," said Prince. "It provides us an opportunity to raise much-needed money for SFA art scholarships while showcasing the work of local artists."

Participating artists include Liz Akamatsu, Peter and Nancy Andrew, Jeff Brewer, Shelley Brophy, Harold Coats, Christian Cutler, Ster Dubberly, Chad Erpelding, Peggy Fare, Gary Frields, Terri Gehrmann and Maki Hajikano. Also, Corrine Jones, Barry Jordan, Robert Kinsell, Karen Lostracco, Mary McCleary, Charles Newsom, Gary Parker, Marty Prince, Michelle Rozic, Sherry Ward, Kathleen Worrell and Nancy Yarbrough.

For more information, please call (936) 468-1131.

By Sylvia Bierschenk
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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