Stephen F. Austin State University

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Renowned poet B.H. Fairchild to speak at SFA

October 30, 2008

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - The Stephen F. Austin State University Department of English and Philosophy will host award-winning poet B.H. Fairchild as part of the department's new reading series.

The poetry reading will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6, in Liberal Arts North, Room 102, on the SFA campus. The reading is sponsored by the Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing program at SFA.

Fairchild has written numerous poetry collections and has received many accolades from the literary community. He has shared his writings at poetry readings throughout the country and is recognized nationwide by poetry enthusiasts.

Fairchild's honors include the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Gold Medal in Poetry from the California Book Awards and the Texas Institute of Letters Poetry Award. He also is a recipient of the Bobbitt Award from the Library of Congress, given on behalf of the nation for "the most distinguished book of poems published in the previous two years."

Fairchild writes about common human experiences and seeing the beauty in everyday things, according to Dr. Jerry Williams, sociology department chair and coordinator of the event.

"He is truly one of America's finest poets," Williams said.

By Kayli Steger
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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