Stephen F. Austin State University

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Regents approve SFA appointments, promotions

January 27, 2009

The Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents approved a slate of faculty and staff appointments, changes of status, promotions and retirements at a meeting Tuesday.

Michael S. Fountain, professor and associate dean of forestry and agriculture, was named professor and interim dean of the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture. Yanli Zhang was appointed assistant professor of water resources/spatial science.

Michelle Jones was appointed instructor of human sciences in the James I. Perkins College of Education. Changes of status within the college included Patricia Berthot, from adjunct faculty member to lecturer of kinesiology; Dixie F. Mercer, from professor and chair of human services to professor of human services; and Le'Ann L. Solmonson, from assistant professor of human services to assistant professor and interim chair of human services. In addition, Jannah Nerren and Linda Black were promoted to assistant professor of elementary education and secondary education, respectively. Alan Larson was promoted to assistant professor of human services.

David Howard was promoted to assistant professor of music in the College of Fine Arts.

Debra McMillion was appointed clinical instructor of nursing in the College of Sciences and Mathematics. In addition, Trina Menefee was promoted from administrative assistant to an academic adviser within the college.

In the Nelson Rusche College of Business, Treba A. Marsh, professor and chair of accounting, has received the Temple-Inland Employees Distinguished Professorship. In addition, Gina Small was promoted from administrative assistant to academic adviser in the college.

Several appointments were approved for the Department of Athletics, including head football coach James C. Harper, assistant head football coach Arlington Nunn, and assistant football coaches Shannon Dawson, Aaron DeLaTorre, David Gibbs, Kristopher Kocurek, Jared May, Brandon North, Todd Schonhar, and Harold Christopher Truax. Laura Beth Cramer was named head bowling coach, and Adam H. Koehn's status was changed from area coordinator to assistant softball coach.

Appointments in the Office of Development include Gregory Garcia, prospect research analyst, and Craig Turnage and Joel Turner, major gift officers. Other staff appointments include Michael A. Williams, admissions counselor; Lindsey N. McAninch, charter school teacher; Aaron K. Riethmayer, bursar; Stephen R. Bacarisse, assistant director of technical theatre; and Paul Stallworth, manager of residence life systems.

Staff changes of status include: Nikki L. Shoemaker, from graduate assistant to temporary staff auditor; Kathleen H. Williamson, from director of construction program to director of financial services; Carol J. Antill, from administrative assistant to academic adviser in the College of Liberal and Applied Arts; Joseph L. Strahl, from assistant systems administrator to database administrator in the library; Hollie Gammel-Smith, from assistant director of orientation to director of orientation; and D'Andrea L. McGee from hall director III to assistant director of multicultural affairs.

Retirements approved by the regents include Anne Commander, post office manager, effective Jan. 31, and Ann Doyle-Anderson, chair of the Department of Modern Languages, effective July 31.

By Office of Public Affairs
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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