Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA reading series to host writers Agee and Spencer

March 9, 2009

NACOGDOCHES, Texas-The Stephen F. Austin State University Department of English will host writers Jonis Agee and Brent Spencer as part of the department's spring reading series.

Agee is the author of several books, including five novels and five collections of short fiction. Her fiction works have received critical acclaim, and three of her books-"Strange Angels," "Bend This Heart" and "Sweet Eyes"-were named Notable Books of the Year by The New York Times. Her most recent novel "The River Wife" was selected by USA Today as one of the "Hot Summer Reads of 2007."

Spencer is the author of the novel "The Lost Son," and his collection of short stories "Are We Not Men?" was named one of the best books of the year by The Village Voice Literary Supplement. Spencer's short stories also have appeared in The American Literary Review, Epoch and GQ.

Dr. Daryl Farmer, associate professor of English and coordinator of the event, encourages the public to attend the reading. The authors will share their work at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 12, in Liberal Arts North, Room 102. Admission is free.

By Kayli Steger
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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