Stephen F. Austin State University

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University Research Council recommends faculty grants

August 20, 2008

The University Research Council of Stephen F. Austin State University has recommended 10 Faculty Research Grants totaling more than $194,000 for funding in 2008-2009 through the university's Research Enhancement Program.

Research enhancement funds are intended to encourage and enhance research opportunities for faculty members and serve as support for innovative research and seed monies to attract external financial support. Faculty Research Grants provide substantive support for research and scholarly creative activities and are awarded through an annual competition held during the spring semester for funding during the upcoming fiscal year.

The University Research Council is comprised of 10 elected and appointed full members of the graduate faculty. Key activities of the council are to recommend policies and procedures to encourage research activities and to improve the research environment of the university, and to develop guidelines for and recommend awards of university research grants.

Projects recommended for funding in FY 2009 are:

Principal Investigator(s)


Title of Research Project

Drs. Kimberly Archer &

Stephanie Jevas

Kinesiology & Health Science

Body Image and Eating Characteristics of Female Collegiate Athletes and Non-Athletes

Dr. Jeff Bremer


The Market Revolution in Antebellum Missouri

Dr. Leslie Cecil

Sociology, Anthropology & Gerontology

Ancient Maya Food Processing as Evident Through Grater Bowls

Dr. Michael Collyer


Ecological Morphology of Pupfishes in Texas and Surrounding Areas

Dr. Sheryll Jerez

Environmental Science

Quantification of Personal Exposure and Aerial Concentrations of Particles and Bioaerosols in and Around Poultry Buildings

Dr. David Lewis

School of Art

Early Drawings and Paintings by John Heliker and Their Place in American Modernism

Dr. Ennis Donice McCune

Mathematics & Statistics

Bias Reduction in Kernel-type Density Estimation on the Unit Interval

Dr. Elizabeth Rhodes

Kinesiology & Health Science

The Influence of Matt Mattox on the Development of Jazz Dance

Dr. Mark Scanlan

Economics & Finance

Use Tax Evasion with Decreasing Transport Costs in Asymmetric Jurisdictions

Dr. Kevin West

English & Philosophy

Translating Umberto Eco: Toward an Erotics of Translation

By Office of Public Affairs
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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