Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA summer enrollment on the rise

August 7, 2008

NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Enrollment in the second summer session at Stephen F. Austin State University grew slightly from 2007, continuing a modest upward trend that began in the first summer session.

SFA's Summer II enrollment reached 4,033, a 1.1-percent increase from the same semester in 2007 when 3,989 students attended classes. In all, 44 more SFA students attended Summer II classes this summer than in 2007.

In an effort to boost summer enrollment at the university, SFA offered more online courses and a four-day academic week for the 2008 summer terms. May-mester, a condensed semester allowing students to earn up to four hours of credit during 12 days in late May, also was offered for the first time this year.

"We are very pleased with the success of our redesigned summer schedule," said Dr. Mary Nelle Brunson, associate vice president for academic affairs. "The SFA community is working together to promote academic excellence and personalized opportunities to help our students reach their academic goals."

Monique Cossich, executive director of enrollment management at SFA, said the enrollment increase is especially significant, considering the high gas prices and other economic challenges facing students and their families this summer.

"Considering the financial pinch being felt by so many on our campus right now, the fact that we saw increased attendance in both summer sessions shows we are finding some success in tailoring our offerings to the specific needs of today's students."

By Office of Public Affairs
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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