Stephen F. Austin State University

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SFA wraps up fourth annual Cooking Matters program

November 27, 2018
Josie Haltom (from left), dietetics and nutritional sciences major, along with other SFA seniors, Daniel Rushing and Vanessa Huynh, food and nutrition majors, helped administer the Cooking Matters program to community members connected with the Helping Other People Eat organization.
NACOGDOCHES, Texas - Stephen F. Austin State University students in the School of Human Sciences wrapped up their fourth annual Cooking Matters program with a graduation ceremony and game night.

During this six-week collaborative course with the East Texas Food Bank, SFA students worked with community members to educate them on healthy eating habits and budgeting.

SFA students helped administer the program to community members connected with the Helping Other People Eat organization. This year, 18 community members graduated from the program from among 20 participants.

"This year has been the most successful based on participants who graduated," said Justin Pelham, food, nutrition and dietetics clinical instructor at SFA. "We look forward to future partnerships with the East Texas Food Bank in community nutrition to create transformative learning experiences for our students."

During the final meeting, students and participants competed in a Jeopardy-style game and tasted homemade tortilla chips and black bean brownies. Participants also received a reusable bag, a chef apron, a flexible cutting board and various kitchen utensils based on prior meeting attendance.

To learn more about SFA's food, nutrition and dietetics program, visit

By University Marketing Communications
University Marketing Communications
(936) 468-2605

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