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Stephen F. Austin State University

Literary Works

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for you interest in Stephen F. Austin State University Press.

Stephen F. Austin State University Press welcomes book proposals from both established and first-time writers. Great books are the lifeblood of any press, and Stephen F. Austin State University Press is dedicated to publishing well-written, well-researched books.

The following are our guidelines for submitting a book project. Please include as much of the following materials and information as you feel appropriate for the kind of book you are submitting for publication:

  1. A cover letter that includes a synopsis or concise description of your book, the manuscript's length, the primary audience and any secondary audience(s) for the book, and your ideas of similar books that your manuscript may compete with or complement.
    This letter should also indicate the manuscript's status, if it is completed or not. If your manuscript is not completed, please indicate a projected date of completion. In addition, please indicate if you are submitting your proposal elsewhere, or if the manuscript is currently under review by another publisher. If your book is a collection, indicate sections that have been published previously and by whom.
  2. A copy of the introductory material.
  3. Three sample chapters representative of the work (Novel or Short fiction); 10 pages of poetry representative of the manuscript (poetry collections).
  4. A biographical note.

Because of the large number of submissions we receive, we do not return submission materials. Please do not send originals, as we cannot be responsible for any original artwork or other content.

Please do not send an entire manuscript unless you are directed to do so by an editor.

  • Upon receipt of your proposal, we will review it and respond quickly. If we find your project of interest, we will ask to see the completed manuscript. Once the manuscript has been received, we will respond with a publication decision in about three to six months.
  • Project proposals should be directed to the "Acquisitions Editor" at:


  • Stephen F. Austin State University
    SFA Press
    P.O. Box 6100, SFA Station
    Nacogdoches, Texas 75962