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Through dynamic learner-centered programs that support lifelong study, our department faculty members prepare undergraduate and graduate candidates to meet the teaching demands of a culturally diverse 21st century society. Candidates use our resources ranging from the award-winning Early Childhood Laboratory and SFA Charter School to master the pedagogy and technology needed to develop classrooms appropriate for prekindergarten through 12th grade students.

Lifelong Learning Conference

Call for Proposals

The 2024 Conference Committee invites you to submit a proposal for the annual Lifelong Learning Conference, which will be held June 28. Our aim is to create a dynamic and engaging community that highlights innovative approaches, best practices and research findings in education.

Lumberjack Spotlight

  • American Foundation for the Blind honors SFA’s Dr. Shannon Darst

    A career’s worth of experience teaching the blind and visually impaired – and preparing other teachers to do the same – was recognized at a national level for Dr. Shannon Darst, assistant professor of education studies.

    Darst, along with two cocreators, received the Corinne Kirchner Research Award from the American Foundation for the Blind for a learning tool called the Visual Impairment Scale of Service Intensity of Texas, or VISSIT, which identifies the level of instruction a blind student needs in order to succeed.

    Dr. Shannon Darst playing guitar

    Dr. Shannon Darst

Transformative Experiences

Meet Our Students

  • Libby Rosipal

    Libby Rosipal

    “The university has helped prepare me to become a teacher in so many different ways. Starting with observing classrooms and moving into teaching the students myself, I’ve had the chance to grow as both a teacher and a learner. This type of hands-on learning has helped prepare me to be confident in my own classroom one day.”

  • Lauren Zbranek

    Lauren Zbranek

    “SFA provides hands-on experience with children during your first semester, and you learn so much from the very beginning! Each semester builds on the other, so you never miss a beat. The professors offer so much wisdom that allows you to feel like a natural when teaching. I’m very appreciative of SFA’s education program and all it has done to help prepare me for my future classroom!”

  • Raymond Newton

    Raymond Newton

    “The SFA middle-level grades education program provided me with real-world experiences in the classroom and the opportunity to work with actual educators. I feel prepared for my career because I’ve learned the best strategies to use with middle-level-grade students.”

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