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A scholarship for families with siblings attending the ECHL

Established in 2017, Lori McGough Harkness Early Childhood Lab Scholarship provides financial assistance to a family that has more than one child enrolled at the ECHL.

Eligibility criteria:
  • Both parents must be one of the following:
    • employed full time or
    • enrolled as a full-time SFA student
  • Family must not qualify for additional child care funding through any other program.

The scholarship is awarded each semester.

Help this scholarship grow with an online gift to the Lori McGough Harkness Early Childhood Lab scholarship fund.

Scholarships for our SFA students

SFA students have access to hundreds of opportunities to get scholarship funding to help with college expenses. You just need to explore and apply! Students pursuing a degree within the James I. Perkins College of Education also have scholarships available specific to their area of study.