SFA Story: The History of Stephen F. Austin State University

The Board of Regents

The Board of Regents - 2002-07


Penny Butler, Secretary (B&G Cte)
Margarita de la Garza-Grahm (A&SA Cte Chair)
Mike Enoch, Chair (Fin Cte)
Kenneth A. James (Fin Cte Chair)
Gary M. Lopez (A&SA Cte)
Susan Roberds, Vice Chair (A&SA Cte)
R. Lyn Stevens (Fin Cte)
Mike Wilhite (B&G Cte Chair)
Fred Wulf (B&G Cte)


Penny Butler (B&G Cte)
Margarita de la Garza-Grahm (A&SA Cte Chair)
Mike Enoch (A&SA Cte)
Kenneth James, Chair (A&SA Cte, Ad Hoc Cte UC)
Gary M. Lopez (B&G Cte)
Susan Roberds (Fin Cte)
R. Lyn Stevens, Vice Chair (Fin Cte)
Mike Wilhite (B&G Cte Chair)
Fred Wulf, Secretary (Fin Cte Chair)


Margarita de la Garza-Grahm (A&SA Cte Chair)
Valerie E. Ertz (Fin Cte Chair, Mkt Cte)
Joe Max Green (Fin and Mkt Cte)
Kenneth A. James, Vice Chair (Mkt Cte Chair, B&G Cte)
Gary Lopez (Fin Cte)
Paul G. Pond (Ad Hoc Chapel Cte Chair; B&G Cte)
R. Lyn Stevens, Secretary (Fin Cte)
Mike Wilhite (B&G Cte Chair; A&SA and Ad Hoc Chapel Cte)
Fred Wulf, Chair


Richard Boyer (Fin and Mkt Cte)
Margarita de la Garza-Grahm, Secretary (A&SA Cte)
Valerie Ertz, Vice Chair (Fin Cte Chair; A&SA Cte)
Joe Max Green (B&G Cte Chair)
Kenneth James (A&SA Cte Chair; Mkt Cte Chair)
Paul Pond (B&G Cte)
James Thompson (B&G and Mkt Cte)
Melvin White (Fin Cte)
Fred Wulf, Chair


Richard B. Boyer (A&SA, Mkt Cte)
Margarita de la Garza-Grahm (A&SA Cte)
Valerie E. Ertz, Chair
Joe Max Green (B&G Cte Chair, Capital Campaign Liason)
Kenneth A. James (A&SA Cte Chair, Mkt Cte Chair)
Paul G. Pond, Vice Chair (Fin Cte, Investment Policy Liason)
James A. Thompson, Secretary (B&G Cte, Fin Cte Chair)
Stephanie G. Tracy, Student Regent (A&SA Cte)
Melvin R. White (Fin Cte, Mkt Cte)
Fred Wulf (B&G Cte)

Present Board Picture
The Board of Regents for 2007-08. Seated L to R: Stephanie Tracey, student regents; Valerie Ertz, board chair; James Thompson, vice chair. Standing L to R: Richard Boyer, Paul Pond, James Dickerson, Bob Garrett, Melvin White, Carlos Amaral.

The SFA Board of Regents, 2007-08

Carlos Z. Amaral (B&G)
Richard B. Boyer (A&SA Chair)
James H. Dickerson (A&SA)
Valerie E. Ertz, Chair
John R. “Bob” Garrett (Fin)
Joe Max Green (B&G Chair)
Paul G. Pond (A&SA)
James A. Thompson (Fin Chair)
Stephanie G. Tracy, Student Regent (A&SA)
Melvin R. White (Fin, B&G)