Sunrise service on the Vista

“Probably the most beautiful of all the traditions on the campus of the Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College in Nacogdoches is the annual sunrise service on the college vista each Easter morning. It attracts hundreds of visitors and is under the direction of Miss Ida Pritchett, college of music director. The College Choral Club and trumpet plays of the college band furnish the music. The combined Y.M.C.A.-Y.W.C.A.. has charge of arrangements. Symbolic of the Crucifixion, the service begins with a faint trumpet call from the far end of the vista which tunnels through the oak and pine-clad campus. It is answered by a brilliant fanfare of trumpets in a major key, symbolic of the Resurrection,, and is followed by the singing of the “Gloria” as the group stands in the form of a cross. Presently the formation changes into two lines as the choir, singing a hymn of praise, marches slowly toward a rugged cross of brown pine planted on the vista at noon on Good Friday. The remainder of the service consists largely of music. No word is spoken except to portray the Easter story from the Bible and a brief prayer. While the songs of Easter fill the air, those who have come to worship proceed slowly toward the cross, offering the flowers given to them upon entering the vista. The flower-covered cross remains in the vista throughout Easter Sunday as a reminder of the joyous occasion. The inspiring service is doubly impressive in the beautiful woodland setting.”
- Houston Chronicle, Sunday, March 20, 1938.