The Pine Log describes the early athletic fields
December 11, 1926
College Now Eqipped with Two Good Athletic Fields

With the recent completion of the new athletic field south of the tennis courts, the Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College finds itself equipped with two of the best fields for outdoor sports to be found in this section of the State.
Birdwell Field was completed in 1923 during the first year of the college. It stands two hundred yards east of the administration building with its main entrance only thirty-five yards from the Aikman Gymnasium. This field is four hundred and fifty feet long, and three hundred and seventy-five feet wide; an area that gives ample space for the bleachers and the major sports of the college. The bleachers have a seating capacity of eighteen hundred spectators. They are strongly constructed with a foundation of cement. The playing field has an eight percent slope, which gives an excellent drainage. It has been sodded with Bermuda grass which grows in spite of the hard usage given it. ...
South of the tennis courts and east of the Thomas J. Rusk building is the second athletic field This field is four hundred and fifty feet by four hundred feet with a two percent slope giving it ample drainage. ... Another interesting feature connected with this field will be the cinder track with a two hundred and twenty yards straightway. This will give Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College one of the best tracks in Texas.