College Building Scene of Great Activity

"The scene of activity witnessed in and about the College grounds Monday morning was very gratifying, indeed. Foreman S. B. Glass was busy directing a farge force of workmen on the building, which Dr. Birdwell, Architect Ketchum, Robert Lindsey and Engineer Lamar Acker were busy laying plans and running lines for campus improvements. Engineer Acker very kindly consented to run the lines for the vista, to be opened up from a point on North street directly to the College building. This vista, it is understood, will be 60 feet wide, with the central 30 feet, or inside half, cleared of all obstructions, and with wide, shady walks on either side. As soon as this vista can be cut away, lines will be run for a circular or horseshoe drive way to run from a point approcimately midway of the west side of the campus through the grounds in front of the building connecting with the north extension of Mound street or North Griffith boulevard.
"Engineer Acker has very kindly consented to run the lines for this work without charge and his services in doing so are very much appreciate by Dr. Birdwell and the friends of the college." (Click here for more on the Vista)