A Chronology of the Early Years
[Editor’s Note: A chronology of the Ex-Students Association, compiled by Mrs. Gladys Johnson using articles from the student newspaper The Pine Log, appears below. The report, entitled a “A Brief History of the Ex-Student Organization of Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College” is part of Alumni Association archives. - JLJ]
“On November 29, 1928, twenty ex-students residing in Nacogdoches, formed an organization to work toward a “Homecoming” and the perfection of plans for the Ex-Students association. This group of interested ex-students elected the following officers:
President: J.V. Dean-deceased
Vice President: Mrs. C.C. Johnson-Gladys Johnson
Secretary-Treasurer: Frances Wilson
Corresponding Secretary: Herman Alders
Reporter: Mrs. Raymond Rochefort
Executive Secretary: M. Jessie Hickman, appointed by A. W. Birdwell, in which capacity she served until May, 1935-now deceased.
“The first Homecoming was held May 27, 1930 with a luncheon at the Liberty Hotel. The perfection of the organization was realized. Officers for 1930-31:
President: Herman Alders
Secretary-Treasurer: Frances Wilson
Reporter: Elbert Griffin
"May 26, 1931st Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Herman Alders
Vice-President: Baker James Cauthen
Secretary-Treasurer: None
"May 28, 1932 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: J.T. Cox
Vice-President: To be appointed
Secretary-Treasurer: Sugene Spears
"The May 28, 1933 Homecoming celebrated the tenth anniversary of the college with a BBQ on campus for ex-students and friends of the college. Officers elected for 1933-34 include:
President: S.A. Kerr
Vice President: None
Secretary: Sugene Spears
"May 19, 1934 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Mrs. C.C. Johnson
Vice President: Eugene Sanders
Secretary-Treasurer: Jennie Golub
Miss Golub left Nacogdoches in September and her position was filled by Sugene Spears. During this administration, the Federated Ex-Students Association of the Teachers Colleges of Texas was formed at a meeting of the Texas State Teachers’ Association in Galveston.
"The May 11, 1935 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Charles Gribble
Vice President: Dixon Abney
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Madge Stallings
"A homecoming was held on November 23, 1935 and again on May 23, 1936 which saw the following officers elected:
President: D.L Walker
Vice President: John Lynn Bailey
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Loy Brewer
"The May 22, 1937 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Earl Adams
Vice President: Andrew Henry Smith
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Mary Ramsey Hodges
"The 1937 Homecoming was held on October 23. Plans were made for a Stephen F. Austin State Teachers College luncheon in Houston during the 59th annual convention of the Texas State Teachers Association, which was presided over by Dr. Birdwell. Because of these plans, the officers were asked to serve into the summer of 1938.
"On July 7, 1938, a meeting of ex-Students was held for the purpose of electing officers for the organization.
President: Ed Sharpe
Vice President: Stanford McKewen
Secretary-Treasurer: Victor Fain
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Myrtle White Franks
Assistant Treasurer: Evie Squires
"The above officers served through two Homecomings. The first was on October 29, 1938 and the second was on November 25, 1939 where the following officers were elected:
President: Victor Fain
Vice President: J. Rabbit Summers
Secretary-Treasurer: Mrs. Myrtle White Franks
"The October 26, 1940 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Vernoy Burke
Vice President: Paul Street
Secretary-Treasurer: Horace Spell who moved and whose position was filled by Martha Condra.
"The November 1, 1941 Homecoming elected the following officers:
President: John Lynn Bailey
Vice President: Preston Hendrix
Secretary-Treasurer: Lorene Taylor
"The November 7, 1942 homecoming elected the following officers:
President: Eugene Sanders
Vice President: Jack Garrett
Secretary-Treasurer: Arlene Kilpatrick
The first constitution and by-laws were adopted on May 11, 1935 and revised on October 25, 1940."