Stephen F. Austin State University

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Saturday November 4, 2017 was a beautiful clear and sunny day and my wife and I decided to ride up to Many, La. and other places to see the beauty of the fall leaves and to have a good meal. As we got to Many, located in the Market Basket parking lot was a car show, filled with antique and vintage vehicles of all types. The show was being presented by the Toledo Cruisers, a local car club and many folks had gathered to look at the beautiful vintage vehicles. There were Chevy's, Ford's, cars and trucks and even a Vietnam Era military jeep. Something for everyone to look at!

Carl Chance, one of the founders and also president of the club gave me some information on the group. The club, officially known as the Toledo Cruisers and Car Club, was formed in November 2014. The original founding members were Dean and Debbie Crittenden, Billy Colston, Arden Settle, Robert Clark, Corley Jackson, and Don Case. The club was formed for everyone interested in cars, trucks, and motorcycles. To be a member of the club you do not have to own an old antique vehicle and you don't have to own a sports car either. This unique club wants folks to join with them if they have an interest and enjoy antique and newer vehicles and enjoy learning about these vehicles.

This unique club wants folks to join with them if they have an interest and enjoy antique and new vehicles and enjoy learning about these vehicles. To gain membership it only costs $20.00 for an individual or a couple. Over the years there have been as many as 65 members and the club is always looking for new members. The club has members who have a wide and varied array of knowledge and skills pertaining to classic and antique vehicles and they enjoy sharing this with those interested.

Each month the club attempts to have at least one club activity. The club has Cars and Coffee at various local businesses when they are invited and have an open date that is agreeable to everyone. The club meets once per month on the third Thursday at 6 p.m. in the Sabine Parish Tourist Commission meeting room. This location is on Hwy. 6 just west of Glass Technology. Plenty of parking for those who attend these meetings.

Each year the Toledo Cruisers conducts a yearly Car Show in May that is always well attended and those who attend really enjoy strolling along viewing all the vehicles. The 2018 Car Show will be held at the Sabine Parish Fairgrounds on Saturday May 19th, 2018. If you attend many of the festivals in our area you will see many of the Toledo Cruisers participating in these parades. It is always a great sight to see these wonderfully restored vehicles rolling down the parade route ! When you see the Toledo Cruisers coming through give them a big wave and give them a big welcome shout ! And area businesses, invite the Toledo Cruisers to come and have a Cars and Coffee event at your place. Great job on the vehicles Toledo Cruisers….keep'em rolling!

Poster telling of the MayDaze Car Show to be held on May 19, 2018. (Toledo Cruisers Collection)

Toledo Cruisers banner at the November 4, 2017 Car Show in Many, La. (Robertson Collection)

2 classic Chevrolets at the Toledo Cruisers Car Show in Many La.; Chevrolet Impala and Corvette both beautifully restored. (Robertson Collection)

Ronald Schrock displayed his Vietnam Era M151A1 military jeep in USAF markings for those interested in military vehicles. (Robertson Collection)

Beautifully restored classic cars at the Toledo Cruisers car show. (Robertson Collection)

View of street rods and restored cars and trucks at the Toledo Cruisers Car Show in Many, La. in November 2017. (Robertson Collection)

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