622 Price Photographs
622 Price 2010 Summer Survey
- Description: Minimal Traditional, single-story, cross-gabled, moderate sloped roof. Closed rake, with composition shingled roof. Slight eave-overhang, boxed cornice. Pale yellow wooden siding on exterior façades. Front (north) façade consists of cross-gable and side gables. 8/8 single-hung sashed windows on each side (east and west) gable and two 8/8 single-hung sashed windows on cross-gable. Small overhang over two adjoining doorways, with paneled doors and wooden casing, on either side of the cross-gable. Small porch with no overhang. South façade consists of four ranked 8/8 single-hung sashed windows, with entry porch supported by classical columns.
- Click here for the 2010 survey form.
622 Price 1990 National Register Information
- Address: 622 Price
- Date: 1950
- Category: Noncontributing
- Block: 4
- Lot: PD 1
- Description: 1-story frame dwelling.