Stephen F. Austin State University

Noel Grant - Page 10

Voices from Small Places - Arcadia, TX.

N. Grant
March 27, 2014
Arcadia, Texas
Photograph #24 / #25 / #26 / #27

"Old Smith place- my grandfather - Indian camp ground in the 1800s I was told. [My] Grandparents and other people found a lot of arrowheads under the tall pine trees. [It] had two creeks for freshwater & fish to eat. Me & some other kids use[d] to catch a lot of fish & coons & some mink also. Creek never quit running. Freshwater in those days. Bonnie & Clyde camped out down there some in the, I guess, late 1920s & maybe early 1930. They got killed [in] Arcadia, Louisiana [in] 1934."