Stephen F. Austin State University

Noel Grant - Page 8

Voices from Small Places - Arcadia, TX.

N. Grant
March 27, 2014
Arcadia, Texas
Photograph #18 / #19 / #20 / #21 / #22

"Grant Hill I call it - where I was born Sept. 6, 1934 [in the] PM. My father Hoya Grant was picking cotton in [the] bottom land. Dr. Henry Warren came to the house [and I] was born [in the] PM. 4 room house, 1 plank wall, old fireplace & no electricity. Coal oil lamps & [a] 4 burner cook stove & well water drawn out of [the] well with a rope & bucket. [We] put milk in the water well to keep it from souring. No ice box then. Well & pecans still there today."